Monday, September 10, 2012

Then and Now Wedding Traditions Revealed

Then vs. Now 
Wedding Traditions Revealed

Why do we toss the bouquet and what was the best mans original purpose? 

It all leads back to tradition.

When I think of traditions I am comforted by the familiarity of just doing what we know to do. The why part of tradition is usually not as important. When peeking into the past it can be quite comical to think that we still hold to certain routines that traditionally have very different purposes then today. 

Then: Bridesmaids dressed identically to the bride in order to trick any evil spirits who may be present attempting to ruin the marriage. 
Now: Serve as our support system throughout the wedding journey and when times get hard. Also, let's not forget that differing from past traditions, no one is allowed to wear white except the bride.

Carrying Flowers:
Then: Flowers were a semi necessity. When a large number of people gathered (without the opportunity for daily bathing, and of course no air conditioning) the fragrance made the occasion more enjoyable. Symbolically flowers represented fertility as well. 
Now: Although we don't so much need to cover up any odors, flowers are a wonderful way to decorate the bridal party and reception with pops of color or simple elegance. 

Tiered Wedding Cake:
Then: In the Anglo-Saxons time guests used to bring little cakes and place them on top of each other. Eventually a French-man decided to design a cake that had smaller cakes on top known as the tiered wedding cake. 
Now: Although cupcakes are making a stand the tiered idea remains a traditional wedding shape. 

Best Man: 
Then: In ancient times men would have to physically capture their bride to be  from her home. This required him to choose a strong and loyal friend to be his "best man" during the capturing process, warding off any of the brides family resistance. 
Now: The ladies are no longer captured therefore the best man, like the maid of honor is a representation of support through out the couples marriage journey. 

Bouquet Toss: 
Then:  Back in England women attending weddings would attempt to rip the brides dress or snag a flower from her bouquet in order to gain some of her good luck. 
Now:  The superstition has not changed much but now we are more civil to the bride. The fight to catch the bouquet might be vigorous but the superstitions reward of being the next to be married is worth it! 

Giving Away the Bride: 
Then: When arranged marriages were common, giving away the bride represented the  the father passing the property of his daughter onto the groom. 
Now:  Arranged marriages still exist although giving away the bride more commonly represents the fathers approval and support in the marriage.  The bride leaves the guardianship of her family and joins her husband in this new chapter. 

Bridal Veil: 
Then: The veil was another tool used to protect the bride from evil spirits. Eventually the veil symbolized youth, purity, and fertility much like today. 
(Rumor also has it that a veil made it difficult for the groom to run away during an arranged marriage if he could not see what his bride looked like)
Now: Veils are mostly optional and used as an accessory although there is still a soft glow and sense of purity when a bride wears a veil. 

So, who knew that our traditions we still hold to today were originated so long ago with actual purposes. Over the decades weddings will continue to be altered as the times change although some traditions will hold strong as well.  

Are there any traditions you still question how they got started? Ask about it in the comment box and we will see what wedding lore we can reveal. 

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and we hope to feature your wedding soon! 

Give us a call at 330-477-8588 and Lea will help you plan your big day! 

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